Friday, August 26, 2011

98 98 98 98

Day 20
August 26, 2011
Wt. 257??
Blood sugar(first thing in the morning) 136
Blood sugar(following 30 minute brisk walk) 98
Blood pressure 138/93 59bpm

98 98 98 98


98 is the glucose number I had when I got back from my walk. 38 points down from when I woke up and took my first numbers.

What really makes this an outstanding number is that last night I had a calzone at a pizza place. It had a white flour crust, tomato sauce that probably had sugar in it, lots of cheese, anchovies and it was WONDERFUL!!!!!! There was also a little basket of crusty white bread and a tray of olive oil and a glass of unsweetened ice tea.

The night before was dinner out with friends and I decided to make that my free day. I ate a lunch of vegetables with olive oil and cider vinegar and then ate more than I had intended to eat for dinner-the dinner was steak and steamed vegies-not too bad there and I only ate half and took the rest home for lunch the next day. But before dinner there were wonderful appetizers. All high in oil and white flour. I also had a cup of tea with sugar before dinner as I was having a bit of an energy crash that took me right to the edge of the prickles–I hate the prickles.

Yesterday morning I woke up to 152 and then after an hour walk it dropped to 128. All of which is still better than where I started 20 days ago but not close to my target of waking up at 100 or less. Not only did I put a bigger load on my body but all of that food was still in my gut to be processed. That is why I only dropped to 128 after a brisk walk of an hour when the day before I got a 30 point drop after just 30 minutes. Got to remember that whatever goes in has to get processed and there is no getting away from that-ever. That fact is locked in stone.

While I was talking to my friend, James, we got on to the subject of getting up several times a night to pee which really messes with your sleep rhythms. I have a take on this that is based on the long fast I did and seems to be born out in my own experience over the last three weeks.

Before the fast I was getting up three or four times a night and one day when I was cleaning the rim of the toilet with a dry paper towel I noticed that the collateral splash was very sticky where it had dried on the rim. One of the old time tests for diabetes was for doctors to taste the urine-a job they probably gave to their apprentices- and if it was sweet then they knew the patient had Sugar Diabetes. Sugar Diabetes was the old name for diabetes before they came up with T1 and T2. I had also read an article about poisons and who the body works very hard to get them out of the system. One of the quickest ways is to piss them out. Another is sweating. Some, like alcohol can be expelled through the breath.

When blood glucose is high the body is doing everything it can to get rid of the excess. It has already stored as much as it can as fat and there is still more. Dump it, dump it, dump it. Over the side, gotta lighten the load. Wake the idiot up and make him/her pee 40 times a night. Well, you get the idea.

Last night I went to sleep at 11–as you may recall from an earlier post, I am trying to get my 8 hours. I did not wake up until 7:40. Not only did I get the eight hours and then some, did not get up once. I have not tried the taste test myself, but the dried collateral splash isn’t sticky any more.

YeeeeeeHaw, indeed.

More to come


1 comment:

  1. Hey Jim, well things didn't go so well on day 3 and 4. Bob won both days for mostly the same reasons. We went to different events that served food most of which was not on my intended diet plus the meal timing was off from my body's timing. By the time the meals were served I felt starved and deprived and therefor gorged on all the wrong stuff.
    I woke today determined to get back on track. My AM BS was 118 after alot of insulin last nite. Will keep you posted. JW
